Development of A Continuing Education Program
By Susan Sienkiewicz, MA, RN
Part 1, " The Object of Objectives "
(The RI Nurse, July 2010), focused on the first step in instructional design, proper development of content objectives.(Continued)
Part 2, " The Contents of Content "
Outlines (The RI Nurse, January 2011) addressed the importance of creating a logically organized topical outline from which flows a well-organized continuing education program.(Continued)
Part 3, " The Construction of Effective Instruction "
(The RI Nurse, April 2011) Is focused on the selection of appropriate teaching methodologies. (Continued)
Part 4," The Value of Evaluation "
(The RI Nurse, September 2011)The next and final step in the development of a continuing education program is evaluation. (Continued)
Still have questions??
Contact RISNA at the CEU Email or call us at (401) 331-5644. Our Educational Consultant will be happy to assist you.
If you prepare a large volume of activities throughout the year, you may be interested in obtaining an annual contract, which allows you to submit unlimited activities for review. .
The Rhode Island State Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).
The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Commission on Accreditation status is specifically for the continuing nursing education activity and does not confer Rhode Island State Nurses Association (RISNA) or ANCC's Commission on Accreditation endorsement of the commercial product(s).